Private Mental Health Practice

Resources - TEXAS

Variety of Resources

If you have an emergency, please call 911.

Should you need to talk to somebody immediately, please utilize one of the available resources below.

Please Click on the RED heading of your choice, and you will be routed to specific resources and websites.

Please note that I am NOT specifically endorsing any resource listed here and that I have listed National Resources on both TX and WA Resource pages.

"The joy of a spirit is the measure of its power" - Ninon de Lenclos


National SUICIDE prevention 

1-800-273-TALK (8255)

national Domestic violence

1-800-799-SAFE (7233)

DRUG REHABilitation

1-888-653-9840 (24-hour help)

The recovery village

1-866-235-4572 (24-hour help)

Shalom Austin - Jewish Family Services


Information about suicide risk and resources to help

(Please click on the link above to receive detailed information on Suicide Risk and Prevention)

Information about Preparedness for a Winter storm

(Please click on the link above to receive detailed information on Preparedness)

Delphi Behavioral Health Group - Overcoming Addiction


TEXAS Community Resources

(Please click on the link above to receive extensive information on Community Resources in Texas)

Public Services - DSHS

CPC - Child Protective Services                             1-866-ENDHARM (363-4276)

ACS - Adult Protective Services                               1-800-490-8505

Parent Coach for Adoptive Families


New Job Coach and Documents


The Story Telling Specialist for websites



Sokolove Law - Nursing Home Abuse


Senior Care Resource


Opioid Recovery and Help

1-877-252-4295 (24-hour help)

Addiction Resource

1-844-616-3400 (24-hour help)

EMDR Institute, Inc

EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitizing and Reprocessing)

Please access this website to FIND A CLINICIAN in your area, click on EMDR INFO for information on What is EMDR Therapy, History, Research, and Statements from Professionals including:

Bessel A. van der Kolk, MD
Professor of Psychiatry, Boston University School of Medicine

“EMDR assists survivors in the immediate aftermath of violent trauma by breaking through the walls of denial, shock, grief, and anger. Ideal for those who have been unable to forget past traumatic life events, as it allows for rapid processing of even deeply rooted memories, giving individuals back control of their lives and their emotions.”

EMDRIA (EMDR International Association)

Please access this website to search for a Certified EMDR Therapist in your area and additional information.

Two Videos on EMDR Therapy: